Welcome to the Shop

Larptopia Weapons and Wares is a traveling LARP item retail shop based in Michigan. We're a small business but we love larp and want to help.

Here you will find pictures of our shop at some of the various LARPs, conventions, and festivals we attend. You can contact us to request us at your event. We can even tailor our products and displays to match your events rules or theme.

More photos can be found on our facebook page.


Aliance LARP Pouch Mace Accessories Eastern Market Larp foam Swords display Epic armoury & Callimacil Eastern Market Renaissance hand made wood bowls & mugs renaissance festival michigan hand made wood wands hammer mug bowl renaissance festival larp safe foam swords epic armoury youmacon larp booth shields swords spear accessories clothing youmacon 2019 larp booth foam shields swords led saber spell book leather accessories youmacon larp booth display foam swords bat mace katana shield medieval renaissance fantasy backpack youmacon 2019 larp booth foam axe leather bag scroll case sword holder back scabbard chain sword witcher larp swords with scabbard youmacon larptopia booth with aradani elf ears, magic wands, larp kunai, leather pouch, belt, scabbards, fairy candles, spell books, makeup, epic armoury pole arms, calimacil swords and staves, drinking horn
alliance south michigan larp shop display burgschneider clothing & epic armoury swords eastern market renfaire leather bracers & elf ears renaissance festival booth calimacil and epic armoury shields swords spears armor renaissance festival 2019 wood wands, accessories, & dragon eggs renaissance festival booth larptopia leather armor and shields youmacon booth larptopia gambeson medieval renassance fantasy clothing and larp foam weapons youmacon larptopia booth larp foam swords, axe, shields, hammer, katana, and post apocalyptic youmacon booth larptopia weapons and clothing calimacil hammer epic armoury swords youmacon 2019 larptopia booth with calimacil swords, daggers, axe, staff, brick, leather accessories, elf ears, potions, belt, gambeson, shield, pouch youmacon 2024 larptopia booth, foam larp weapons, medieval fantasy larp accessories, cosplay and renaissance larp clothing, stranger comics youmacon 2024 larptopia booth, calimacil foam swords and axes, stranger comic niobe sword
alliance south michigan larp early set up with epic armoury flails, axe, swords, shields, calimacil hammers, and furs eastern market with wooden wands, epic armoury weapons, mace, axe, throwing knives, leathergoods and more mrf set up with calimacil swords, epic armoury shields, wooden wands and hammers michigan renaissance festival set up with larp shields and high quality foam larp weapons set at Gisido LARP with shields, cloaks, larp clothing, larp spears, swords, axe, armor, accessories, and more. youmacon convention set up with leather bracers, sword frogs, calimacil daggers, epic armoury axe, and fur tails larptopia at youmacon with calimacil swords, daggers, aradani elf ears, leahter pouch, spell book, and more larptopia weapons and wares at youmacon 2019 with leather bracers, sword frogs, calimacil daggers, epic armoury axe, and fur tails larptopia at youmacon with calimacil swords, spear, and epic armouy spear motor city comicon larptopia booth, elf ears, dice sets, larp leather accessories, Calimacil larp daggers and swords, epic armoury larp shield
hand made wooden larp wands and crafting hammers larptopia weapons racks with calimacil swords renfest foam larp sword rack and shields renfest leather bracers, sword frogs, mug straps, larp axe, hammer, sword, mace, medieval fantasy backpack youmacon larptopia booth with aradani elf ears, magic wands, larp kunai, leather pouch, spell books, makeup, dragon eggs, wood mug, drinking horn youmacon larptopia booth sword rack with larp swords calimacil youmacon larptopia booth potions kit, larp latex throwing daggers, foam brick, sword scabbards, belt, gambeson bracers, pouch, healers kit larptopia youmacon booth with foam shields, larp swords, and accessories larptopia, larp swords, calimacil, kingdom come replicas